Tuesday 18 August 2015

Temporary Officer Elections Rules Reference

Hello my fellow Upholders!

I’m so glad to announce that since we’ve seen a recent outburst of creativity and willingness to help from all of you, WE’RE BRINGING BACK THE OFFICER ELECTIONS! YAY!

With a twist though, we’re so eager to voice all of your recommendations that we believe will have a positive impact on the guild that we would have EVERYBODY on the guild as an officer, but we can’t since the term “officer” would be loosely used and thus not have much authority or control over the 50 members we have, which would cause madness! So we needed to comprise, instead of electing a permanent officer, we decided to create a term called “Temp Officer”.

“What’s a temp officer?” I’m glad you asked! A temp officer is what I would compare to a secretary, as a temp officer you would need to assist the permanent officers with their work towards the guild while displaying your own ideas, suggestions on improvement, etc. The temp officer duration in participation will be for 3 months till they will be replaced and won’t be able to run again until their replacement’s duration is over. Also, if the Temp officer dares to break any of the guild rules, they will be demoted immediately by the main officers thus making an emergency temp officer election. BUT GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY, if the temp officer manages to impress the guild with their work, there's a high chance of them becoming a PERMANENT officer! 

So if you’re interested, I’m sure you’re now wondering “How do I submit my request to compete in the officer elections?” which is SUPER easy, all you have to do is ask the approval from one of our current officers and THAT’S PRETTY MUCH IT.
But that’s where it brings me the follow up question, “What makes you qualified to be an officer?” That’s where you will need to write a small paragraph answering the question, but generally we look for:

  • Someone who’s responsible for all his or her actions
  • Provides respect to each guild member (No harassment, bullying, etc.)
  • Has to be an active member, the minimum you have to do to fulfill this requirement is to log on one hour per day.
  • Only the current guild members can vote, which means you cannot ask one of your friends or a former guild member to vote. 
  • Help those who are in need for it.
  • Cooperative with guild members.
  • Must have been a member of the guild for 6 months or longer. 

Want place your votes? Before you start smashing your mouse by clicking on the username of the person you would like to vote for, I need to explain the rules you need to follow when voting. SO HOLD YOUR HORSES, if you have any…

  • Firstly, you can only vote for ONE person, sadly but fair.
  • You may not exchange/trade votes, (such as telling someone who you voted for.)
  • You may not force someone to vote on the same person as you, they should vote on whomever they please.
  • Candidates can't vote for themselves.

 Hopefully this post answered majority of your questions, if you have anymore please contact the administration or directly message the guild's twitter. Now I'll allow Simon to take it away!

*Simon uses his deep voice*
The purpose is to make this guild as balanced as possible and to make the Upholders the greatest guild in AQW. This position must be earned and build by trust and paid with sweat, tears and blood (but mostly blood).

*Simon turns back to his regular voice*
But seriously though, it is to make it a better place for all of us! I wish every candidates the best luck, and to all the other members I wish you all happy voting’s. In the end it doesn't matter if you're an Officer or not. What matters is what you choose to do in guild. Officer or not, you ARE an Upholder.

~Written by Alesza~

( I’d like to thank Simontdk1 for helping me with the ending.)