Friday 18 September 2020

8th Anniversary!

Our 8th anniversary party is here! Upholder's history is very big and rich, full of amazing moments but this one is very special. This year was tough to many of us due to pandemic but we still managed to be active and keep in touch with each other. We've been together for 8 years now, started in 2012 and still going strong in 2020. We'd like to thank those members who showed up to the party! Be safe and have fun everyone!

Sunday 9 August 2020

Upholder's 8th anniversary reminder!

 Hello fellow Upholder Members. We are coming closer to our 8th anniversary on 18th September 2020, which is on a Friday so that is perfect. We would like to ask you at what time you can get on and celebrate our guild's anniversary. Please do so on the Twitter, or Discord chat and we will find a suitable time where most members can join. 

Thursday 19 September 2019

Upholder's 7th anniversary

"Once an Upholder, always an Upholder", "We will Uphold our legacy for it's our destiny". 
Upholder still lives, and it will live forever. Upholder was created on this day 7 years ago by our 
leader Simontdk1, and we are forever grateful for having such amazing members celebrating our 
awesome guild's anniversary.

Saturday 2 June 2018

8th Officer Election winner

And the winner of the 8th Officer election is..

*Drum roll*

Matrooll! Congratulations Matrooll with the promotion! We look forward to the 6 months with
 you! He has been elected as your next temporary officer by gaining majority of the votes 
from the guild. We hope you'll do the best! As for other candidates, better
 luck next time. There's always a next time so no need to get down yet. A 
lot more has to come in the future! 

It's time to say goodbye to our previous Temporary Officer Tmachine. Here is a little "Goodbye
 video" from the Officers!

Friday 25 May 2018

8th Officer Election

Greetings to all Upholders! We're bringing back our 8th officer election again! 6 months have
 passed, and it's time to find a new Temporary Officer that will take Tmachine's place! We will 
be re-hosting the Officer Election every 6 month as we have done twice now. 

*Whispers to the candidates* If you'd like to increase your chance of winning this election then
 here are some tips for you.

1) Be submissive, supportive, and cooperative with others. 
2) Always be positive with everyone. 
3) Remain as an active member and always make sure to reach out to those players who need your
4) And finally, be humble to everyone. 

Remember that this election isn't just all about getting promoted. As a temporary officer you 
need to handle more responsibilities in Upholder and follow more rules. Good luck to all! 
Remember to read the rules before you vote.

1. Do not recommend for someone to vote for you or someone else.

2. Never ask someone who s/he has voted for.

3. You cannot tell anyone who you've voted for.

4. You can only vote for ONE person, so choose wisely!

5. Candidates cannot vote to themselves.

6. Only the current guild members can vote, which means you cannot ask one of your friends or

 a former guild member to vote.

7. If you're a candidate and want to vote for someone else then please contact the officers before 
you do so.  

8. You'll receive a unique code to vote, and that code can be used for ONE TIME! So, please 
refrain from sharing it with anyone. If you didn't get a code then please contact Florim.

The election will end on Tuesday the 5th of June 2018.

Loading Poll...

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Android App! (Taken down)

Hello, my fellow Upholders. We now have an official Upholder Guild mobile app made by Florim, that can be found on Google Play Store. Sadly we can't make an IOS app, but at least we got something to some of you! The app has a login system so not everyone can view the app's content. It's only for Upholder members. The Name and Password can be seen on the new discord channel "#for-the-android-app". If there are any questions, feedback or suggestions then feel free to DM Florim on twitter.
You can either search for the app on Google Play as you can see in the picture below, or simply click the hyperlink here.

Updates for the app will all come on the discord channel.

~ Florim and Tmachine

Monday 5 February 2018

Loyal Ex-Members That Have Helped The Guild

Zviko was a very loyal supporter of the Upholder guild as well. He had also served as a permanent
officer in the guild. He was a member for many years and he willingly helped the guild in many
ways. He is also known as the Time Lord. We are thankful for him to be by our side. You will always
be remembered.

Memine is known as the Angel of Motivation. He has been our supported us for 2 years. He was a
temporary officer of the Upholder guild, and he is the founder of the guild's Discord channel. He's a
very friendly person. You will always be remembered.

Willi Kunst has always supported Upholder in fantastic ways. He has served the guild as a
temporary officer and did an excellent job of helping the others. The one year that Willi was with us
was an amazing time. We are really thankful that he joined us. He will always be remembered.

Branto/luxo has a really amazing personality. He used to do amazing AQWMV's for the guild and
has inspired many members. He has a strange obsession with celebrities and was a guild celebrity
himself. He has helped a lot of members in many ways and supported the Upholder guild for many
years as well. We are really thankful for everything he has done. He will always be remembered.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Winner of the 7th officer election

And the winner of the election is

Congratulations to Tmachine! He has been elected as your next temporary officer by gaining majority of the votes from the guild. We expect from you as well. I hope you'll do the best! As for other candidates, better luck next time. There's always a next time so no need to get down yet. A lot more has to come in the future! 

Important announcement

Today is going to be a different day for us, because now we’re going to have another permanent officer in Upholder, someone who proved that he was and still is capable of handling responsibilities in the guild, handling different tasks in Upholder given by other officers, checking up on other members and trying to make different activities since the day he won the election. He had always been a loyal member to everyone and never caused any significant problem to anyone, ensuring that the guild will be more like a place where people will enjoy living in an atmosphere of peace that lacks hatred. Today, we will be promoting that member to perm-officer rank, and that player is Florim. Congratulations! The officers are looking forward to working with you, and so are the members of Upholder.

Wednesday 27 December 2017

7th Officer election

Greetings to all Upholders! We're bringing back our 7th officer election again! We've delayed the election due to some circumstances, but now we've brought it back and this time we've decided to give an opportunity for two winners to manage the guild for six months straight. In other words, the election will be re-hosted every 6 months with two winners instead of selecting 1 winner each three months. If you'd like to increase your chance of winning this election then here are some tips for you. (as requested by many of you)

1) Be submissive, supportive, and cooperative with others. 

2) Always be positive with everyone.

3) Remain as an active member and always make sure to reach out to those players who need your assistance. 

4) And finally, be humble to everyone. 

Remember that this election isn't just all about getting promoted. As a temporary officer you need to handle more responsibilities in Upholder. Good luck to all! Remember to read the rules before you vote.

1. Do not recommend for someone to vote for you or someone else.

2. Never ask someone who s/he has voted for.

3. You cannot tell anyone who you've voted for.

4. You can only vote for ONE person, so choose wisely!

5. Candidates cannot vote to themselves.

6. Only the current guild members can vote, which means you cannot ask one of your friends or a former guild member to vote.

7. If you're a candidate and want to vote for someone else then please contact the officers before you do so.  

8. You'll receive a unique code to vote, and that code can be used for ONE TIME! So please refrain from sharing it with anyone. If you didn't get a code then please contact Hold or Shey

This list does NOT have a particular order.


(Ending on 15th January)

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Happy Frostvale 2017!

The winters sure bring along a loads of joy of holidays and festivity! Our guild never stays back in celebrating all kinds of events that makes a loads of memories with everyone. 

Guild war with Arclight guild

As everyone knows we're not really into guild wars because we have obtained an alliance with a lot of guilds and one of them is Arclight. On a request of its leader, we agreed to have a friendly guild war and it turned out a huge success and an enjoyable experience with everyone. Although, we didn't get to win but still it turned out that everyone had fun and Arclight guild was really friendly and fun! We thank you that you guys played with our guild mates and be social to them! We appreciate you a loads! It was an experience filled with excitement, joy and adventure!

Upholder guild's 5th anniversary

We cannot describe how grateful we are to the legends of this guild and to the members of this guild. It is you guys who made this wonderful journey possible for 5 years and still counting. Your love and support will not go in vain! As we, officers of Upholder guild, promise you that we will always remain the same, strong and determined and will always be there for you guys. We'll be mentioning all of the love and support we got on September 18th, 2017. 

Thank you!

Loyal guild mates like you!

A few months ago, our very loyal guild mate who's been with us for more than two years decided to leave AQW as being busy with her real life, responsibilities and family. When she decided to leave, she sent us such a heart warming message to all of her guild mates that reading it, made our day and we our still thankful to her for so many memories she had made with us! This deserved to be in the Honor hall. We'll never forget you, Redo and we truly hope you stay blessed and have a successful journey of life. 

Thursday 31 August 2017

Update on the weekly guild events!

Greetings, everyone! We've finally decided to update on our weekly guild activities. This post refers to the schedule of when and where our weekly events and activities are going to be held. The reason to inform you guys about this is because we want our guild members to get together and interact with each other as much as they can. This goes for our newly joined guild members as well so we could get to know them better.

Schedule planned for guild activities:

  1. Friday - Playing the weekly event from AQW, all together.
  2. Saturday - Guild meet up at our HQ and a random boss raid with the guild members.
  3. Sunday - Movie night with the guild online/ mini games or hide and seek or other fun stuff, depending on what the majority wants.
This is the schedule as far as our officers have planned together for all of you guys. There is no fixed server time for the events so we'll keep you updated on our twitter page so we can inform you guys! We completely understand that if you want to do the AQW event in solo style or not want to join us in our activities, there's no one who's going to force you. If anyone has a better suggestion, wanting to add something more in our new activities, DM Shey or Florim on twitter.

Monday 31 July 2017

Temporary officer's election winners!

It's that time of the day again, where we'll announce the winner of our traditional Officer's election. There's usually a single winner but since the last temporary election, we decided to make changes and decided to actually have two winners instead of one, so more people could actually get the chance to help us. ALRIGHT, ENOUGH RANTINGS. 

The winners of our temporary officer's election are......

Congratulations to Florim and Willi Kunst! They've won this month's temporary officer's election by gaining most of the guild members votes!

Now it's time to say goodbye to our previous officers, Branto and Drag Ziro. Well done guys! You both have done an awesome job on helping us manage the guild. Our every election is due to three months of managing, but these guys have done an outstanding job to handle the guild till 6 months. Now the new officers will be promoted and we expect a lot and same from you guys as well!

Do not fret, if any of our candidates haven't win yet, your chances of winning are increasing a bit by bit as every election passes by. Better luck next time to all of you and once again, thank you to those who voted! 

Saturday 15 July 2017

6th Officer election

Credit to Florim for the picture above

Greetings to all Upholders! We're bringing back our 6th officer election again! We've delayed the election due to some circumstances, but now we've brought it back and this time we've decided to give an opportunity for two winners to manage the guild for six months straight. In other words, the election will be re-hosted every 6 months with two winners instead of selecting 1 winner each three months. If you'd like to increase your chance of winning this election then here are some tips for you. (as requested by many of you)
1) Be submissive, supportive, and cooperative with others. 
2) Always be positive with everyone. 
3) Remain as an active member and always make sure to reach out to those players who need your assistance. 
4) And finally, be humble to everyone. 
Remember that this election isn't just all about getting promoted. As a temporary officer you need to handle more responsibilities in Upholder. Good luck to all! Remember to read the rules before you vote.

1. Do not recommend for someone to vote for you or someone else.

2. Never ask someone who s/he has voted for.

3. You cannot tell anyone who you've voted for.

4. You can only vote for ONE person, so choose wisely!

5. Candidates cannot vote to themselves.

6. Only the current guild members can vote, which means you cannot ask one of your friends or a former guild member to vote.

7. If you're a candidate and want to vote for someone else then please contact the officers before you do so.  

8. You'll receive a unique code to vote, and that code can be used for ONE TIME! So please refrain from sharing it with anyone. If you didn't get a code then please contact Hold or Shey

This list does NOT have a particular order.

6th Officer election

Willi Kunst
online survey software
The duration of this election will end on July 31.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Newest Contest Update!

As for this time, we recently had a poll on twitter so we could know that, what's the next contest our own members want! We ran the poll and in a few days we received the results. So, seems like that our members want the 'Random Lucky Raffle' next!

We'll keep you guys updated through our twitter page for the further details on when exactly we're planning the raffle. If you guys don't follow our twitter yet, then go ahead! Leave a follow to @UpholderGuild for more updates. If you guys have possibly more ideas for the contests you'd like to see, DM our officers on Twitter.
Regards, ~Sour.

Birthday parties of june!

Birthday Celebrations!

On the 24th of june, we had an awesome birthday party arranged for our two loyal members of the guild, Giraku and Packey. It couldn't be fun, if you guys wouldn't come and celebrated with us. I'd like to thank all of those, who attended and made that day wonderful. 

The video below is a gift from @IHeroboy to us. Once again, thanks a bunch to our guild members!
Each and every member of the upholder guild is important to us, we'll try our best to fulfill your possible needs and satisfaction from the guild. 

Regards, ~Sour.

Contest #01 Winner!

PvP Contest Winner!

Lately, we had a PvP contest planned for the 30th June, as you all were aware through our twitter page! The contest went smoothly with the amount of total 8 members of the guild participating! The match went fair and square eliminating every player as updated in the chart below. 

Picture credits to: WenixHD

Then, finally after each elimination match MrPod won the PvP tournament fighting against each match and claimed his victory. Later then, awarded with his prize as promised. Congratulations, to him! 

Personally, we had a lot of fun organizing and going through the contest with our generous guild members. We are having loads of more contests coming ahead, we'll keep updating you guys. Stay tuned!
Regards, ~Sour.

Monday 19 June 2017



Saturday 17 June 2017

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Guild Contest #01

Upholder's PvP Contest!

Greetings fellow Upholders! From long ago, we've been planning out some really exciting contests in which are guild members are allowed to participate.This is our first Guild Contest in which the winner will be awarded with a special prize! 

 The tournament will be a series of different elimination matches. Depending on the number of entries, some players will have less matches to play than the others. The 1 out of 3 finalists will be rewarded with the prize of 2k APs. The contest will be held on 20th June 2017. Artix Server, 5PM EST. 
The rules of the contest are the following! 

Click here to view the full image! :D
Twitter post. ~

This is just the beginning! There will be more future contests with prize rewards! Stay tuned.
Regards, Sour.~

Thursday 8 June 2017

Greetings, my fellow Upholders! Welcome to our Loyal Hall of the Upholders. In this section,
you'll find out our most talented and the most loyal members of the guild. These people have been showing us their loyalty for the past many years in the guild. We will be only featuring those who have had stayed in the guild for more than a year. The loyal hall will be keep updating, as we'll have more loyal members in the future.

*Woof!* Welcome to the Lyell's Loyal Hall~ 

*Arf!* Introducing,

The Leader

The current leader of the Upholder guild is Simontdk1, also known as the famous and a well
 known Youtuber, TheAQW1. He started playing AQW at September, 2008. His purpose was
 that to create an extremely friendly guild or a small group at first, and always be a great 
support of the AE games. He is an ex Bug-Hunter for AQW and is very well aware of every 
rule in AQW. He created the guild back in 18th September, 2012. At first, it was just a small
 guild with many amazing legends of AQW, but now, Upholder guild is one of the largest and 
the most successful guilds in AQW, lead by him. "Once an Upholder, always an 

An Officer

This person above, is the most kindest, warmhearted and the most helpful person ever 
existed. Hold has been an officer of the Upholder guild since he was really young. No one
 has understood the guild more than he did. He's been a loyal part of the Guild since many 
years and he has helped Simon rebuilding the guild in many ways. A friendliest and a 
reliable officer you can always trust upon. Always suggesting the best suggestions for the 
guild and reviving the Upholder guild, once again. We are really grateful to have him, in the 
Upholder guild.

An Officer

Sour/Shey is a genuinely amazing officer who never stopped supporting Upholder, even during those
 past days when she was just a new member of the Guild. She did countless of things that has saved the
 guild. She'd always try her best to prevent those tragic events from happening in Upholder and it's all
 due to her love for the guild members. Rescuing the guild and providing the best ideas and solution for
 everyone is her main priority. That's why her loyalty will always remain stunning in Upholder.

A Loyal Member and current Temporary Officer

Matrooll is one of the most friendliest and a fun to hang out with, kind of person. He never 
makes someone sad, and if he does, he always cheers them up with his good ol' jokes and 
pranks. He's been in the guild since many years as well, and has served as a temporary 
officer once. You'll never regret to be friends with him. 

A Loyal Member

Tmachine has been supporting and helping us for a year now. He is also our current
temporary officer, and has helped the guild in many ways. When the guild had its downs
Tmachine helped in turning the downs to ups. He is an amazing and really respectful guy
that you can rely on.

A Loyal Member

MrPod has been with us for four years now. He has always supported Upholder and is one of the oldest
members of the guild. MrPod is an amazing person that is willing to help when you’re in need, and is
generally a friendly person and a really funny guy. He knows a lot about the guild and its history, and
we are really glad to have him.

A Loyal Member

Drag Ziro or “Dan’s Faithful Bakugan Dragonoid” is an amazing member. He has served the guild as a
temporary officer for three fantastic months. Drag Ziro is a person that finds hidden smiles in everyone
with his unique humor and personality. He supports the guild in the best ways and has a special place in

A Loyal Member

Norrit, better known as the “Bunny of Time” has been in the guild for three years straight. He is helpful in
many ways, and is always eager to assist a fellow guildmate when asked. He is super friendly and really
supportive, and always finds a way to make one smile.

A Loyal Member

Giraku, the boy with the black hoodie and the Twilly surfboard. Giraku is a funny guy and is excellent
at art. He has drawn the amazing “Guild Robot” among other pieces that can be seen on his Twitter page.
Giraku has been faithful to Upholder for a long time and is an amazing guild member that we’re all happy
to have.

A Loyal Member

Sare_321/Sare is the most active member in Upholder. Sare has been a member for two years now and
has helped the officers in many ways. He is always concerned about the guild and desires the best for it.
He is full of suggestions and ideas that we appreciate just as much as his presence here.

A Loyal Member

Kopod, also known as “Knock Out Punch of Doom” has been in the guild for years. He is an
amazing person that doesn’t hesitate to help anyone in need. He’s a clever and a trustful member
that’s appreciated by everyone. His faithfulness to Upholder is unquestionable, and we’re happy to
have him.

A Loyal Member

Lymerion has been in Upholder for more than a year. He is an active member that has been faithful since
the day he joined us. He’s a nice member that you can talk to and is super friendly. Lymerion is a helpful
person that has assisted our guild mates time and time again, and we really appreciate that kindness he
has in him.

A Loyal Member

Carius is the best Paladin you can meet. He has been loyal to Upholder since the day he got invited.
He has been in the guild for a year now and he has always tried to help and support us. He always wants
to heal people with his paladin powers and does a good job. He is extremely helpful and always want the
best for the guild.

If you haven't been featured in the Loyal Hall, no need to worry about! There will be a time, where you will be shining in the Hall too. Although, everyone in the Guild are amazing and awesome. 
Regards ~Sour.